About Paul Read

Paul Read is also known as the teapotmonk and is author of over a dozen books. He has been teaching Tai Chi since the late 1980's and online since 2015. His courses are known for their innovative content that draw on his experience as a health and fitness coach, language and information technology teacher. 

A more detailed introduction can be found on his training site here  


Why do you have Four Websites 🙄?

Believe me, I'd love to put them all on a single website, but can I find one that can does it all the way it should? So, here is why you might end up visiting more than one web site.

  1. BOOKS: Tai Chi-store. This is where you are now and where all books, audiobooks and ebooks on Tai Chi are found. Paperbacks that were available elsewhere are slowly being moved over to this site. 
  2. TRAINING SITE: 21st century taichi is where the training courses are hosted and to where you will go if you have ordered a book with a free course. In addition to the self-study courses that are bundled with some books, you will find workshops, webinars, retreats and a host of other learning resources on this site. Take a look here.  
  3. WEB SITE: Teapotmonk is where his scribbles and musings on tai chi can be found at teapotmonk.com
  4. PUBLISHING: Craving Distraction Ltd. You may see this name appear on a book or an invoice. Don't think there is an error, It is simply the book publishing wing of the 21st century tai chi academy.